Witches fly on brooms across wide open skies.
Women filmmakers fly over fences – wooden ones, concrete ones, barbed wire ones, and monolithic, unshakeable ones. We sometimes knock ourselves out trying to break down these fences, but then we pick ourselves up and like the wise witches we ride up and above, buoyed by our renewed optimism and faith in our visions.
So what re-energizes me? What makes me pick up again? Sometimes it only takes a timely inspiring quote or chancing on an interview with an amazing woman making her mark in the world despite the odds. One of these recent inspirational blasts was a video interview with filmmaker Euzhan Palcy. Everyone should take to heart her grandmothers’ words of wisdom. ‘Fly over fences’ she said and don’t let anyone or anything get in the way of realising your dreams.
Euzhan Palcy directed one of my favourite films, Black Shack Alley (1983), a poignant story about the love and sacrifice of a poor black family living on a Martinique sugar cane plantation in the 1930s, told through the eyes of a young black boy.
The Gift of Giving
Crowd funding is an exciting and potentially empowering way to raise money through micro giving. It’s also a way to build grassroots community support and have dialogue and discussions. This is what we are finding as we move into the 3rd week of our campaign to raise money towards the completion of our film.
We have 74 days left out of our 90 day campaign. So far we have raised $7,725. Our trailer has been seen by over 2000 people. If only 50% of those who had watched the trailer had donated $10 each, we would have had $10,000 towards our goal of $50,000. If 50% had donated $25 each, we’d be $25,000 closer to achieving our gaol. If 50% had donated $50 each, we would smash our target. This is the magic of micro giving. So folks if you are one of those who has seen the trailer and loved it or one of those about to see it and be blown away by it, stop and think how your small donation can add up to a much bigger number.
I continue to have faith that there is a diverse and widespread community of people who want to see this film in the world as much we do. Films like this do and can make a difference. We know this to be true. You know this to be true.
We need you! We can’t do this alone. It will take a global village to make this film, regardless that it is about the first African-American woman to receive the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.
Please visit our page and watch the trailer which has been described as “stunning” “breathtaking” and “beautiful” and not by us! (http://www.indiegogo.com/Alice-Walker-Beauty-In-Truth-2) Be enticed by all the perks and rewards we are offering for your generous donations.
Help us spread the word and share our campaign with your friends, family, and networks. Join us in this exciting adventure. Make It Happen For All Of Us.