Alice, Samora Biko, Pratibha & Nkosinathi Biko in Cape Town
You may have noticed that I’ve been a little quiet on the blog front recently. As you’ve probably guessed, running the crowd-funding campaign was an all-encompassing experience – for 90 exhilarating, exhausting, inspiring days, IndieGoGo took over my life. Thanks to the generosity of over 300 donors from around the world, we managed to exceed our target, and raised $55,100.
As the Occupy Movement spread to almost 1000 cities, and I accompanied Alice to the Russell Tribunal on Palestine in Cape town, I reflected on the role of the arts in social justice movements past, present and future. I started a newsletter to share these thoughts and keep supporters of the film informed of the latest developments in the campaign. Here are a few of the newsletters if you’d like to catch up on what I’ve been up to.
Read about Zainab Salbi, Alice’s activism and reaching the 1 month mark here.
Sharing my thoughts on Occupy, crowd-fun
ding and battling my demons.
Some responses to The Russell Tribunal, including a quote from Howard Zinn.
One of my favourite newsletters, including Steve Biko, June Jordan and Gloria Steinem!
Womanism, Code Pink, Thanksgiving and Spirituality – read more here.
Ballads of Art – some ideas about telling stories, supporting women artists and rewarding our funders.
Very interested in your video.
Love Alice Walker
Pratibha. Well done on all of this, brilliant news. Do you have an idea of a release date? Best wishes for the new year. x Jonathan